It is our great pleasure to invite you to return to the Thirty-first Inland Empire Prayer Breakfast! Each year, leaders like you who represent business, education, public safety, elected officials, and leaders from churches and ministries throughout the Inland Empire have gathered to lift our shared community and one another up in prayer. We invite you to join us on the National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 2nd from 7:00 am to 9:00 am, at the Ontario Doubletree Hotel, 222 North Vineyard in Ontario.
The legacy of those who attend the Inland Empire Prayer Breakfast is to be anchored in prayer for our civic, business, education, public safety, and ministry leaders. We will continue the tradition to pray for one another at the event and to provide you with four pre-addressed postcards. The cards go to non-attending local, regional, state, and national leaders acknowledging our prayer for them.
Our speaker this year is Dr Dave Keehn. He pursues his call to ministry as both a pastor and professor. Dave joined the full-time faculty at BIOLA University in the Fall of 2009 and now serves as the chair of the undergraduate Christian Ministries department in the Biblical and Theological Division of Talbot Seminary. Also, he is the lead pastor at Cornerstone Community Church in San Clemente. At our event, he will be focusing on our theme verse “Lift up the Word – Light up the World” taken from 2 Samuel 22: 29-31.
Tickets for this event are expected to sell out quickly. Please place your order by April 15th. Checks payable to IEPB and sent to 9616 Lemon Ave, Alta Loma, 91737. A return envelope is included in this letter for your convenience. Tickets will be mailed to you as soon as we receive your request so that you will be able to enter the event without stopping at the registration table. The discount for tables of ten is designed for you to gather your friends together and invite a person to be your unpaid guest. (Your guest may be a pastor or ministry leader who might not otherwise be able to attend.) Please note we are able to keep the prices at this rate because of God’s grace to committee members enabling them to donate their time, talent, and treasure:
Tables of ten tickets $ 300.00
Individual tickets, before April 15th $ 32.00
Individual tickets at the door $ 35.00
We look forward to praying with you on the National Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 2nd . If you need further information, please call (909) 987-9558, go to our website at
www.ieprayerbreakfast.org, or email us through Carolyn.Preschern@gmail.com.
In His Service,
Carolyn J. Preschern, Moderator
P.S. If you lead a non-profit organization or ministry and would like a display table at the Prayer Breakfast, there are a limited number available. Please contact us along with your reservation as soon as possible.